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Blood Donation : A Social Responsibility

Published by MBA Skool Team in Human Resources Articles category Last Updated: August 17, 2011Read time:

'You don’t have to be a doctor to save a life!'

It is said that India will have the youngest population in the near future aged between 18-35 years. This would give India the opportunity to lead the world. But we also want this new young generation to be healthy for which it is our prime responsibility today to ensure that we fulfill our duties in contributing towards health care.Just as an individual has the responsibility towards his nation, business organization and family, similarly one also has to fulfill his responsibility towards the society.


Blood Donation and CSR

Business organisations and individuals adopt various measures like charity, donations, scholarships and sponsorships to their community, NGO’s etc. But one of the simplest and easiest methods to fulfill this social responsibility is to donate ones blood.

Blood donation is the process of giving blood so that it can be used for blood transfusion in the future. It is the best type of donation one can make for the benefit of the society which costs nothing but its value is more than gold. One only needs a desire to serve others, known or unknown to the blood donor. Any healthy adult can potentially be a blood donor.


Hospitals, NGO’s and many business organisations have special departments or periodic camps for blood donation. Apart from that, blood donation drives are also organized at various places like metro stations and public parks, and celebrities like Salman Khan are requested to donate and lead the way. A simple procedure is followed for blood donation where the volunteers are interviewed about their medical history. A blood sample is first tested for anemia, body temperature, pulse, blood pressure, alcohol content etc. Generally regular donors must donate blood twice a year but those with rare blood groups may be asked to donate more frequently. Blood is slowly withdrawn in a plastic bag containing anti-coagulant to prevent blood from clotting. Donors are then provided with basic glucose and are advised rest. They are advised to avoid strenuous exercise for atleast 5 hours and should drink plenty of water and fruit juices.


Blood thus collected is taken to the transfusion centres where it is tested, classified and stored in blood banks for emergency use. Simple care should be taken by ensuring that the surroundings are clean, hygienic and fresh needles are used during blood donation. Thus, the process of donating blood is simple and doesn’t take up much of the volunteer’s time.


Real bliss can be achieved through love, fellowship, selfless service and sacrifice, and not by amassing wealth alone. One must try to donate blood and see what joy, happiness and satisfaction one will experience at the mere thought that this gesture may save somebody’s life one day.


Companies and firms put millions of rupees and dollars in doing some kind of CSR, a simple sponsored blood donation drive might just be a great way to really complete your corporate social responsibility.

About the Author : Sunita Saharia is a legal expert and the co-founder of the NGO (International Society for Human Awakening and Development).

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