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  3. Tips to write Business Emails

Tips to write Business Emails

Published by MBA Skool Team in Management category Last Updated: November 04, 2013Read time:

The world is connect through internet and most of the business activities are conducted over emails in the modern era. Emails are not only convenient, but also act a written documented proof for individuals and business enterprises. Below are few ways which professionals should adopt to write a complete and systematic business email.

  • Written communication is the “Printed Personalities of People”.
    • In a professional set-up, where people world over are connect through emails and internet, Emails or written communication reflects the personality of an individual. Hence a good email would always reflect the best side of the knowledge and personality of a person

  • Subject lines should be like “Newspaper headlines”
    • For a business email, the subject line is the most important aspect as it should clearly highlight to the reader what the email contains. The subject line should be true, catchy and should prompt the reader to open and take notice of it.

  • Emails should be written as “Inverted pyramids”
    • The most important content should be written at the top of the email, i.e. the Subject and first line having highest priority, then the content and so on. The most important content of the email should be written at the top

  • Business letters/ emails should be short and crisp and in bullet points
    • The content of a business letter/email should be written in a crisp and top-the-point manner. Bullet points are the best way to highlight the contents of an email. If required, the points can be elaborated.

  • Content should also show positive intention in terms of appreciation, commitment to resolve, apology (if required) etc
    • Each email should be personalized towards the sender. If it is a group email, then also it should be addressed as would be to an individual/team. The content of a business email should be optimistic and even if declaring news of failure etc, it should be done in a manner which is subtle, indirect and should not blame anyone

  • Signatory Details
    • The writer of the email should always mention designation, contact details etc for personally connecting with end user. Otherwise, it sometimes gets difficult for individuals to have a conversation and they are only dependent upon emails even to discuss critical issues.

  • Selection of “appropriate recipients”
    • Selecting the correct people is the most essential after proof reading all emails. The ‘To’, ‘Cc’ and ‘Bcc’ fields should be used judiciously. Also, in a professional company, the use of bcc should be avoided as much as possible

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