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  3. Bata Marketing Mix (4Ps) & Marketing Strategy

Bata Marketing Mix (4Ps) & Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy of Bata through marketing mix framework which covers the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion).

Published by MBA Skool Team in Products category Last Updated: May 16, 2024Read time:

Bata Product Strategy:

Bata is one of the most popular brands in the shoe industry having a wide variety of footwear for all age groups. The main products in its marketing mix are general category of casual shoes, formal shoes, sandals, kids’ shoes, men and women collection, sports shoes etc. The product line gets upgraded with time and new fashion in market. Bata has specially known for its brand value and quality product. Indian customers have always been price sensitive issue and ‘Bata’ has maintained starategy of minimumn prises according to Indian customer requirement. Bata have more other brand under control.Some of the brands under BATA Hush puppies, spark, Sandak, North Start, Comfit, Mocassino, Bata. Bata’s product has recognisation in indian market due to its quality according to their prices.

Image: Wikimedia

This concludes the product strategy in Bata marketing mix & strategy.

Bata Price/Pricing Strategy:

Below is the pricing strategy in Bata marketing mix strategy:

Bata offers its products at an affordable price especially at the high cost it offers. Mass Marketing pricing is main strategy of Bata brand to maintain its low proices for all its brand products.

Production of mass products leads to lower operating costs resulting in less product costs.Henceforth in India BATA have managed to maintain lower prices. Price of Rs.10. is kept as Rs.9.90 where BATA follows psychology of consumer to lure and attract more customers towards its pricing. Hence, in India Bata is consider as quality brand of affordable cost. Main competition for BATA in India is Red Chif, Wood, Nike, Puma and Reebok.

Bata Place & Distribution Strategy:

Following is the distribution strategy in the Bata marketing mix:

The placement of products of Bata was done after an extensive market research. The company has positioned itself as an Indian brand which provides reliability at a budget friendly price. It completely relies on its distribution network. All the foreign markets were studied for their cultures, needs, economic conditions and responsiveness. After that a substantial distribution network was established. The strength of Bata lies in the Tier-2, Tier-3 and small towns of India. They accepted the tag of being the Tier-2 brand in footwear so they positioned themselves in these areas very strongly.

Even small towns and big villages have outlets of Bata and this availability has become a great source of promotion of the brand.

Bata Promotion & Advertising Strategy:

The promotional and advertising strategy in the Bata marketing mix is as follows:

Seasonal Sales, discounted days are some strategies to grab more attention of customers.Bata have consistently targeted all segments of the market varing its product costing range. Hence for promoting all this, Bata has also followed traditional method for targeting Indian festivals for its discounts. During non seasonal time, Bata had focused to go advertising (Print and Media) also nowadays they are also focusing over social media marketing. Digital marketing is main part of campeign of BATA. With wide varity of products for diffferent age groups and different segment of society, BATA has specific strategy. Hence this gives an insight in the marketing mix of Bata.

About Bata:

Bata is one of the oldest brand in the shoe industry originated from Lausanne, Switzerland founded in 1894. In 1914 company had a significant number of orders due to military orders during World War I. From that point of time Bata had grown tremendously in world market. People were happy with the quality of shoes which Bata were providing.

Hence resulting in increasing demand of Shoes and related accessories of the Brand. The brand Bata own lots of other brands acquired with time and new brands developed for new segments of targets.

This article has been researched & authored by the Content & Research Team which comprises of MBA students, management professionals, and industry experts. It has been reviewed & published by the MBA Skool Team. The content on MBA Skool has been created for educational & academic purpose only.

Browse marketing strategy and 4Ps analysis of more brands similar to Bata. The Marketing Mix & Strategy section covers 4Ps and 7Ps of more than 800 brands in 2 categories.

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