
This article covers meaning, importance & example of Pre-Approach from marketing perspective

Published by MBA Skool Team in Marketing and Strategy Terms Last Updated: March 09, 2024Read time:

What is Pre-Approach?

Pre-Approach is one of the initial steps in the selling process where in the preparation is done about customers by a salesman before approaching them. It includes customer analysis, abilities, needs, wants about a customer so that the process of sale is more relevant to all the stakeholders. A good Pre-Approach strategy lays path for the future steps in the process.

Importance of Pre Approach

Pre Approach is one of the most important steps in the sales process. It ensures that the sales person is well prepared about the needs and wants of the customers to make sure that the customer is completely aware about the product and there are no gaps. For proper preparation, an analysis is very important.

This study may include different aspects of the consumer such as:

1. Age
2. Likes and dislikes
3. Education
4. Habits
5. Social life
6. Culture

This helps the salesman to decide how he will approach his customer and what he will talk in his first meet.

This helps the salesman to achieve following things:

1. To provide additional information about the product as required by the customer
2. Select the best approach to meet the customer
3. Helps to avoid mistakes

Example of Pre Approach

Let us take an example of a sales person a luxury car manufacturer. After the prospect is identified, in the pre-approach step the sales person would want to know the prepare about a customer like age group and the income status. For a luxury car manufacturer, the socio-economic factor might be very critical. For a product like luxury car, there may be a need for a demo of the car to the potential buyers so during pre approach a list of the features to be demoed need to made. Also assets like collaterals, rate card and preparation of other queries may be very important.  A potential customer may be interested in the technical details of the engine and performance. The sales person needs to prepare about such things as it is a high involvement high price sale.

Hence, this concludes the definition of Pre-Approach along with its overview.

This article has been researched & authored by the Business Concepts Team which comprises of MBA students, management professionals, and industry experts. It has been reviewed & published by the MBA Skool Team. The content on MBA Skool has been created for educational & academic purpose only.

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