1. Business Concepts
  2. Statistics


This category covers various definitions and concepts in the field of statistics.

Title Filter 
# Name Hits
1 Affirming the Antecedent 9675
2 Affirming the Consequent 5767
3 Alternative Hypothesis 6569
4 ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) 12194
5 Antecedent 9213
6 Average 18447
7 Axioms of Probability 18310
8 Bar Graph 16697
9 Bimodal 5881
10 Bin 9655
11 Blind Experiment 6710
12 Breakdown Point 11837
13 Certain Event 13075
14 Chance Variation or Chance Error 37960
15 Chi-Square Curve 5314
16 Class Boundary 66090
17 Class Interval 81555
18 CMH Test 5210
19 Coefficient of Determination 5242
20 Degrees of Freedom 5776
21 Dunn’s Test 10156
22 Empirical P Value 17220
23 Explained Sum of Square (ESS) 18157
24 Exploratory Data Analysis 6621
25 F-Test 21216
26 Forecasting Models 9521
27 Frequency Distribution 6785
28 Hazard Function 5635
29 Hazard Rate 21549
30 Histogram 7814
31 Index Plot 13364
32 Kolmogorov Smirnov Two Sample Test 6025
33 Leverage Points 12082
34 Mann-Whitney (U) test 8405
35 Median Test 7397
36 Mesokurtic 19876
37 Multiple Regression 12241
38 Multiple Regression Correlation Coefficient 6570
39 Multivariate Analysis 12523
40 Negative Skewness 18505
41 Null Model 21317
42 Offset 27407
43 Ordinal Scale 7246
44 Outcome variables 34415
45 Over Dispersion 5495
46 Overmatching 12863
47 Parsimonious 34251
48 Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (r) 16996
49 Performance Analysis 37331
50 Phi Coefficient 6774
51 Pivot Table 5560
52 Platykurtic 7154
53 Platykurtosis 9038
54 Poisson Regression 4829
55 Polytomous Variable 11614
56 Positive Skewness 28448
57 Preventive Fraction 9504
58 Problem Identification 8546
59 Quantitative Variable 17679
60 R Squared 5736
61 Residual Plot 11628
62 Sample 8727
63 Scatter Plot 7072
64 Schoenfeld Residuals Test 24155
65 Simple Linear Regression Model 6911
66 Square Root Transformation 14146
67 Standard Residual 11997
68 Stepwise Regression Model 5265
69 Strata 10475
70 Time Series 9960
71 Transformations (Ladder of Powers) 17523
72 Type-1 Error 5615
73 T–test 5355
74 Variance Ratio 19616
75 Wald Test 9137
76 Welch-Satterthwaite T-Test 18474
77 Williams Correction 6355
78 Yates Correction 16159
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