5S Program

This article covers meaning & overview of 5S Program from operations perspective

Published by MBA Skool Team in Operations and Supply Chain Terms Last Updated: April 16, 2023Read time:

What is 5S Program?

It’s a organization program which consists of 5 phases:

1. Sort (Seiri): Keep only necessary items in the workplace. Divide items in the workplace in 3 categories; retain, return and rid.

2. Set in Order (Seiton): Arrange items to promote efficient workflow. It includes organizing, arranging and storing material, equipment and information.

3. Shine (Seiso): Clean the work area so that it is neat and tidy and that too on a daily basis. Try establishing preventative measures to produce ongoing cleanliness.

4. Standardize (Seiketsu): Set standards for a consistently organized workplace. Maintain and make the top 3S habitual. 5S becomes a part of the regular work routine.

5. Systematize (Shitsuke): Maintain and review standards.


Ultimately, it is the organization and the people who work for an organization take care of it and maintain proper discipline.


Its advantages include:

1. It increases the safety and reduces pollution.

2. It motivates the employer to work, increasing productivity and hence profits.

Disadvantages include:

1. In case there is lack of management support or people are not bringing up their problems in the workplace, 5S might create an issue.

2. There should be proper understanding of what 5S can accomplish. Resistance to change is also a problem.


This article has been researched & authored by the Business Concepts Team which comprises of MBA students, management professionals, and industry experts. It has been reviewed & published by the MBA Skool Team. The content on MBA Skool has been created for educational & academic purpose only.

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