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  3. GD Topic - Do's and Dont's in a Group Discussion

GD Topic - Do's and Dont's in a Group Discussion

Published by MBA Skool Team in Group Discussion Tips category Last Updated: November 30, 2023Read time:

Here are some important DO's and DONT's which can help improve a Group Discussion from a candidate's perspective. 

Group Discussion is a process which enables companies to shortlist or evaluate the candidates who participate to apply for a vacancy to become a potential employee. 

Candidates often mistake GD's as a platform to showcase their aggressiveness but the matter of the fact is that experienced panelists look out for quality, relevance, confidence and not candidates with high decibels.



1. Start early-

Candidates who speak and participate early, show that they are confident. Laggards in the discussion are always left behind

2. Think before you speak-

Whenever you are about to participate, have a clear thought, frame your sentence, collect your thoughts and then speak, rather than stammering and being vague

3. Allow others to participate-

If you let others speak, it shows your skills as a team player as you are ipen to listening to the thoughts of others

4. Be yourself-

Always remember that you have to be true to yourself else you will falter. Speak up your mind backed with your knowledge and frequently change your stance.

5. Prepare thoroughly

The best way to face a GD is to study a lot, read about various topics, gather information and stay updated. Also, participating in the mock GDs with your fellow mates will allow you to improve and iron out any flaws.


1. Dont be too loud

GD is for understanding your knowledge, confidence and not how loud you can speak. Shouting can often lead to disqualification from GDs

2. Dont be rude

Discussions can sometimes turn into heated arguments. But you have to maintain a decorum and make sure you are not rude to any of the candidates and do not use any bad gestures, abusive language etc

3. Dont be left behind

Many times it happens that knowledgable candidates fail to participate and are left behind. Their lack of confidence means they are afraid of speaking and are unable yo participate.

4. Do not repeat

One of the worse mistakes candidates make is that they simply agree to and repeat whatever other candidates say without taking a definite stance. Think about your points and differentiate it from what others speak.

If the above mentioned points are followed by participants of a group discussion, one can  be assured of being recognized as a strong candidate for a potential job at the organization.

This article has been researched & authored by the Content & Research Team which comprises of MBA students, management professionals, and industry experts. It has been reviewed & published by the MBA Skool Team. The content on MBA Skool has been created for educational & academic purpose only.

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