1. Business Concepts
  2. Marketing and Strategy

Marketing and Strategy Terms - Page 11

Page 11 of the category Marketing and Strategy Terms in the section Business Concepts.
Title Filter 
# Name Hits
1001 Target Revenue 10876
1002 Targeting Strategy 39132
1003 Task Environment 77433
1004 TDC Matrix Internet Value 5302
1005 Technological Substitution 7686
1006 Technology Life Cycle 19483
1007 Terms of Payment 13903
1008 Terms of Sale 28543
1009 Testimonial Advertising 15175
1010 Theoretical Framework 7225
1011 Third Party Endorsement 17138
1012 Threshold Effect 12918
1013 Time Utility 33076
1014 Top Of Mind Awareness 19346
1015 Tornado Diagram 5011
1016 Total Market Strategy 16465
1017 Trade Advertising 15789
1018 Trade Character 8729
1019 Trade Discount 6215
1020 Trade Marketing 15076
1021 Trade Name Franchise 18357
1022 Trade Promotion 9391
1023 Trade Sales Promotion 11056
1024 Transaction 8106
1025 Transactional Marketing 6302
1026 Transactional Selling 13987
1027 Transnational Strategy 36846
1028 Trial Close 23438
1029 Turnkey Business 8839
1030 Two Level Distribution Channel 19703
1031 Umbrella Brand 17826
1032 Unascertained Goods 14180
1033 Undifferentiated Marketing 10152
1034 Undifferentiated Products 23056
1035 Undifferentiated Strategy 6484
1036 Unfair Advertising 9452
1037 Unique Selling Proposition (USP) 20839
1038 Unit Sales 12528
1039 Units Break Even 3488
1040 Unsought Products 22063
1041 User 9102
1042 Utility Maximization 6875
1043 VAK - Visual Auditory Kinesthetic 6505
1044 Value Added Analysis 13714
1045 Value Based Pricing 6190
1046 Value Disciplines Treacy Wiersema 9017
1047 Value For Money (VFM) 11403
1048 Values And Lifestyles (VALS) Research 34746
1049 Values, Attitudes, And Lifestyles System (VALS-2) 27544
1050 Variable Pricing 6616
1051 Vendor Analysis 13387
1052 Vendor Discount 7635
1053 Vendor Fund 8620
1054 Vendor Program 7322
1055 Vendor Rebates 12792
1056 Vendor Receivable 6975
1057 Vertical Acquisition 8619
1058 Viral Marketing 8590
1059 Visual Merchandising 9666
1060 Volume Rebates 14683
1061 VRIN Barney 33766
1062 Warehouse Retailing 13270
1063 Warm Market 10395
1064 Wheel of Retailing Concept 45266
1065 Willingness to Recommend 7325
1066 Willingness to Search 3119
1067 Word of Mouth 11464
1068 Workable Competition 7372
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