1. Business Concepts
  2. Marketing and Strategy

Marketing and Strategy Terms - Page 10

Page 10 of the category Marketing and Strategy Terms in the section Business Concepts.
Title Filter 
# Name Hits
901 Sales Strategy 13568
902 Sales Support Material 9491
903 Sales Target 13140
904 Sales Territory 24463
905 Sales Trend 17131
906 Sales Velocity 7355
907 Sales Volume 6981
908 Salesmanship 9240
909 Saturation Point 10526
910 Scan-Backs, Scan-Downs 8690
911 Scenario Planning 9153
912 Scrambled Merchandising 12674
913 Seasonal Discount 25581
914 Secondary Audience 16775
915 Secondary Research 7047
916 Sector Analysis 7680
917 Seek a Market 10805
918 Segmented Pricing 26261
919 Self Actualization Needs 13912
920 Self Liquidating Promotion 9367
921 Self Reference Criterion 28387
922 Selling Concept 94724
923 Selling Cost 18031
924 Selling Orientation 17365
925 Selling Process 87907
926 Selling Terms 8881
927 Sense-of-Mission Marketing 20151
928 Service Advertising 12313
929 Service Costing 36171
930 Service Inseparability 57155
931 Service Intangibility 36466
932 Service Marketing 60903
933 Service Mix (7Ps) 41692
934 Service Perishability 47280
935 Service Setting 15331
936 Service Variability 61958
937 Service-Product Mix 21746
938 Services Theatre Framework 17310
939 Shadow Boards 5508
940 Share of Requirements 12435
941 Shelf Velocity 10501
942 Shopping Mall 11347
943 Shopping Product 18084
944 Simulated Test Market 16276
945 Simultaneity 15645
946 Single Column Centimetre (SCC) 11510
947 Situational Analysis 7067
948 SLEPT Analysis 51017
949 Slotting Allowance 15048
950 Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) 28243
951 Smoke Screen 7087
952 Smoothing Demand 9559
953 Social Advertising 9121
954 Social Marketing 19794
955 Societal Marketing Concept 39623
956 Soft Fact Questions 13576
957 Source Attractiveness 10033
958 Specialty Advertising 19635
959 Specialty Goods 19250
960 Split Run 6655
961 Stakeholders Group 11101
962 Standing Offer 13986
963 Staple Goods (Staples) 22345
964 Status Quo Strategy 16635
965 STEEPLE Analysis 38712
966 Stimulus-Response Method 16687
967 Straight Commission Plan 8736
968 Straight Denial 6018
969 Straight Rebuy 30648
970 Straight Salary Plan 13086
971 Strategic Business Unit 8350
972 Strategic Choice 54136
973 Strategic Flexibility 13741
974 Strategic Gap Analysis 10594
975 Strategic Groups 16087
976 Strategic Intent Hamel Prahalad 13965
977 Strategic Management Process 79412
978 Strategic Market Planning 32292
979 Strategic Mission 22845
980 Strategic Orientation 21949
981 Strategic Planning 9462
982 Strategic Triangle Ohmae 14873
983 Strategic Withdrawal 13307
984 Strategy Formulation 10479
985 Subliminal Perception 17064
986 Subliminal Persuasion 5303
987 Supplier Allowance 6359
988 Support Services 35732
989 Survey Feedback 15627
990 Sustainable Competitive Advantage 15818
991 Switching Costs 9516
992 SWOT Analysis 21570
993 Synergistic Strategic Alliance 17249
994 Synergy Creation 5540
995 Systems Approach 41178
996 Systems Selling 26974
997 Target Market 13673
998 Target Pricing 11592
999 Target Rating Point (TRP) 22006
1000 Target Return Pricing 24733
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