1. Business Concepts
  2. Marketing and Strategy

Marketing and Strategy Terms - Page 2

Page 2 of the category Marketing and Strategy Terms in the section Business Concepts.
Title Filter 
# Name Hits
101 Brand Asset Valuator (BAV) 46588
102 Brand Association 14661
103 Brand Awareness 19301
104 Brand Building 59512
105 Brand Development 24693
106 Brand Development Index (BDI) 23101
107 Brand Equity 66419
108 Brand Essence 14037
109 Brand Identity 10186
110 Brand Image 39583
111 Brand Insistence 11432
112 Brand Knowledge 21212
113 Brand Ladder 26694
114 Brand Licensing 7871
115 Brand Loyalty 28071
116 Brand Management 29266
117 Brand Mapping 10171
118 Brand Mark 11725
119 Brand Messaging 8439
120 Brand Mix 24999
121 Brand Name 2662
122 Brand Penetration 21421
123 Brand Personality 18517
124 Brand Portfolio 15135
125 Brand Promise 21282
126 Brand Recall 22725
127 Brand Recognition 9426
128 Brand Salience 28763
129 Brand Strategy 6144
130 Brand Stretching 13431
131 Brand Valuation 15778
132 Brand Value 22100
133 Brand Variant 10845
134 Branding 16372
135 Break Even Analysis 8344
136 Break Even Point 42065
137 Break Even Pricing 10624
138 Breakthrough 13550
139 Broad environment 24255
140 Broadcast Television 10663
141 Brown Goods 8237
142 Business Assessment Array 9168
143 Business Buyer 18265
144 Business Buyer Behaviour 30453
145 Business Level Cooperative Strategies 29027
146 Business Portfolio 19628
147 Business-To-Government 5633
148 Buyer Behavior 18998
149 Buyer Classification 8017
150 Buying Behavior 16148
151 Buying by Specification 12073
152 Buying Criteria 18217
153 Buying Motives 44304
154 Buying Pattern 34028
155 Buying Structure 4133
156 Buzz Marketing 9108
157 By Product Pricing 75592
158 Bypass Attack (Leap frog) 32537
159 C-Level Selling 3501
160 C2B (Consumer to Business) 31314
161 C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer) 19604
162 Canned Presentation 16366
163 Canvas 5321
164 Captive Audience 8158
165 Captive Customer 15510
166 Captive Product Pricing 5798
167 Carryover Effects 11421
168 Cash Rebate 20135
169 Catalog Marketing 25237
170 Category Extension 35212
171 Causal Marketing 4322
172 Causal Research 33320
173 Celebrity Advertising 6984
174 Celebrity Testimonial 11350
175 Channel Distribution 22345
176 Channel Length 21170
177 Channel Levels 56546
178 Channel Marketing 8226
179 Channel Value Proposition 10450
180 Channel-Based Pricing 11420
181 Classified Advertisement 8277
182 Click Only Companies 21158
183 Closing the Sale 15257
184 Cold Canvassing 9764
185 Cold Market 14583
186 Combination Branding 16574
187 Combination Store 11740
188 Commercial Risk 14514
189 Commoditization 7351
190 Communication Adaptation 27030
191 Communication Research 36026
192 Communications Planning 10500
193 Comparative Advertising 5061
194 Comparison Shopping 9181
195 Compensation Plan 20684
196 Competition-Oriented Pricing 11116
197 Competitive Advertising 11711
198 Competitive Analysis 11467
199 Competitive Behavior 17033
200 Competitive Dynamics 50062
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