1. Business Concepts
  2. Human Resources (HR)

Human Resources Terms - Page 2

Page 2 of the category Human Resources Terms in the section Business Concepts.
Title Filter 
# Name Hits
101 Conciliation 9828
102 Concurrent Validity 9308
103 Condition of Employment 5917
104 Constraints on Recruiting Efforts 13406
105 Construct Validity 8040
106 Content Validity 10364
107 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) 5799
108 Contract Compliance 5478
109 Contractual Rights 8670
110 Contrast Effect 11309
111 Contrast Error 22919
112 Cost Per Hire 6171
113 Craft Union 6019
114 Criterion-Related Validity 14055
115 Critical Incident Appraisal 15751
116 Critical Incident Method 63797
117 Cross Cultural Training 36759
118 Culture Shock 7994
119 Daily Allowance 27600
120 Decentralized Authority 11658
121 Decentralized Management 8873
122 Decentralized Plan 5175
123 Decentralized Work Site 8828
124 Decision Making Skills 9585
125 Deferred Compensation 7458
126 Defined Contribution Pension Plan 3212
127 Delegation 8866
128 Delegation of Authority 9504
129 Deregulation 6335
130 Developmental Counselling 8368
131 Differential Piece-Rate System 30625
132 Differential Validity 11256
133 Direct Report 7263
134 Disciplinary Procedure 8529
135 Dismissal 22999
136 Distinctive Capabilities John Kay 16613
137 Distributive Bargaining 6977
138 Distributive Justice 11638
139 Diversity 5363
140 Downsizing 27700
141 Downward Occupational Mobility 2710
142 Dress Down Day 9771
143 Dual Labor Market 6107
144 Due Diligence 4836
145 E-Recruitment 17227
146 Economic Strike 9376
147 Effort Performance Relationship 13532
148 Employee Assistance Program 4890
149 Employee Benefits 8582
150 Employee Champion 24389
151 Employee Development 7031
152 Employee Engagement 5483
153 Employee Grievance 51607
154 Employee Provident Fund EPF 25991
155 Employee Retention 32294
156 Employee Rights 12035
157 Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) 8134
158 Employee Training 41029
159 Employee Voice 6922
160 Employer 10629
161 Employer Branding 6802
162 Employer of Choice 17017
163 Employment Test 11466
164 Encounter Stage 13889
165 Environmental Influences 14039
166 Equal Treatment Framework Directive 2201
167 Equity Theory 8362
168 Ergonomics 7836
169 Essential Job Function 6845
170 Establishment Phase 9771
171 Executive Compensation 15108
172 Exit Interview 9365
173 Expatriate 16039
174 Experiential Learning 8352
175 Express Terms 6541
176 External Fit 15939
177 Eye Gestures 18271
178 Factor Comparison 7970
179 Family Friendly Benefits 11031
180 Feedback 15222
181 Financial Participation 4779
182 Fired 3645
183 Flexible Benefit Plans 7149
184 Flexible Staffing 7832
185 Flextime 8215
186 Forced Choice Appraisal 37543
187 Forced Distribution Method 62273
188 Forced Ranking 6945
189 Functional Expert 30260
190 Functional Flexibility 15463
191 Geographic Organisation 16638
192 Geographical Differential 6064
193 Glass Ceiling 7584
194 Global Assignment 9653
195 Goal Displacement 22524
196 Goal Setting 9603
197 Governance 5774
198 Graphic Rating Scale 73771
199 Green Circled Employee 9277
200 Grievance Procedures 7331
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